We are long past the tipping point when it was boldly predicted in 2008 that- ‘Mobile to overtake fixed Internet access by 2014’ by Mary Meeker a data analyst who reviews technology trends.
The below report from comScore highlights the importance of Mobile in a global arena.
And to add to this- almost two thirds of the media we buy each day is now Video inventory.
You may ask why so much? It’s simple: Mobile Video campaigns actually and tangibly convert for brands, clients and marketers; and one can build successful sustainable campaigns around mobile advertising.
In the UK alone statistics show a huge jump of almost 70-75% smartphone users; and multi-platformers have now become a majority across Europe and markets like India, Brazil and Mexico. In 2015 mobile ad spends accounted for 49% of the total digital ad spends and it is slated to reach a global figure of 65.8 billion$ by 2019.
In fact, eMarketer reports that we now watch an average of 5-½ hours of video content daily. This means we are not just watching more but how and where we are watching has significantly changed. Hi-Tech mobile devices, vast improvements in cellular networks, and fast video streaming providers are causing the screens in our pockets and cars to replace the screens in our living rooms and man caves.
In 2014, brands spent $1.5B on mobile video advertising. In 2019, it’s projected that advertisers will spend $7B, almost a 4X increase in just 5 years.
Video ads increase purchase intent by 97% and brand association by 139%.
So what is stopping you from being a part of this global digital phenomenon?
For first time brands, digital marketers who are dipping their toes in mobile video, it can be a daunting process fraught with complexity and a sinking feeling that you are losing out on time.
Most struggle with designing mobile video ads, are baffled by various ad placements and formats, and are unable to figure how to benchmark video’s performance in their overall strategy.
Let’s look at some considerations before launching a mobile video campaign
How to plan a mobile video campaign
Planning a mobile video campaign is based on a few key factors. Video length, script, audio, CTA & landing page design are critical to success and understanding campaign goals is as important. Is it brand awareness, in app purchases, app downloads or a blend of these will support the ongoing strategy and also establishes a clear and simple foundation before you begin.
Choosing where videos appear: In-app vs. mobile web
Once the above basic elements have been worked out comes another choice: Do the ads appear in apps or on the mobile web. A lot of ink has been spilled over which is superior when it comes to results but it is important to understand a brand’s vision, goals and target audience. Apps usually appeal to a younger/gaming audience and can be specifically targeted; whereas the Web is more generic and timeless in its appeal. But in app ads have less clutter and ads are usually shown one at a time as compared to mobile web ads which crop up a number of places on any page vying for a viewer’s attention.
85% of people’s time on Mobile is spent on Apps.
One key development in recent times is the emergence of private market deals. DSP’s (Demand side platforms) can now buy a percentage of mobile ad inventory directly from publishers as versus open auctions; and this is changing the landscape of the mobile ad space.
Choosing how mobile video ads will appear- in-stream or out-stream
In-stream ads play at the beginning, middle or end of a viewer’s content. You tube is a primary example of this platform.
Out-stream ads run in standard placements and usually do not dominate the screen like in-stream ads. These can also be designed to increase the viewing factor- like having ‘audio only’ play once the ad is in view.
Native ads on Facebook and Instagram have become hugely popular with brands, digital strategists and marketers.
TOP TIP: To make a good Video hire a pro!
A well designed video ad will boost performance, save time, energy and money
Elements that make for a great mobile video
1-PLACE ADS WITHIN THE NATURAL JOURNEY OF THE CONTENT– Ads with better performance stats are the ones that don’t disrupt.
2-CHOOSE THE RIGHT LENGTH- According to Ad Age, on average you have 10 seconds to grab viewers’ attention. Pay attention to viewability metrics and edit your video accordingly.
3-GO BOLD WITH COLOR- Color creates focus and interest. Strong colors with a focus on brand colors leverages brand identity and creates cohesion with the rest of your marketing.
4-HAVE A CLEAR CALL TO ACTION- CTA alerts audiences to exactly what they can expect when they click on an ad, and communicates a deeper engagement.
As marketers get better at making videos and consumers watch more video content completed view rates for video ads will keep rising up. Conversion rates for mobile video is also seeing an upward trend since the past few years and is a key metric for performance marketing.
Like all advertising, video ads perform best when data is used to fuel optimization methods like persona targeting and lookalike audiences. What We as a digital agency love about mobile advertising in general is that it offers superior tracking and targeting capabilities compared to desktop and other digital platforms.
However, it’s important to remember that it’s not just about the amount of data, but the ability to use that data within a campaign to improve it — whether that’s a more efficient bidding strategy, hyper-local targeting, or audience expansion.
As more brands are jumping onto the bandwagon to make mobile videos a key component of their strategy, advertisers and demand side partners need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and best practices in order to keep bringing the future ROI into the present.
Hey, and when the time comes to talk about running a paid video campaign, hopefully you’ll be in touch with us! 🙂
Are you going to lead this change? Are you a leader or a management consultant or a company that would like to know more on how to bring about a model that is capable of bringing this future to the present. If so get in touch with us. Our brand founder and author of this blog Chetan Jha is leading not just change but also innovation across the board through best practises that echo compassion understanding and reflection.
To know more, email us: [email protected]