There is a common theme that pervades the world right now: Fear.  And for a change we are not writing a blog on strategy/digital/brands etc.  Rather we are focussing on the bigger picture which is affecting us all right now

We’ve found ourselves in a media onslaught – an all out information war – where it’s hard to tell the truth from propaganda, instilling anxiety, fear, distrust and distress in many. Continue reading “A LETTER TO HUMANITY”

Thinking differently: Leading your team and brand in a crisis

Here we are in the last week of August 2020 and we don’t know where we are headed isn’t it?

Even though global lockdown is now being relaxed, businesses are now starting to re-open, holiday goers planning their summer trips and life is moving ahead albeit at a pace which probably none of us understand and yet it is very clear that we are in a Global crisis where we are being asked to step it up quickly each day.  Continue reading “Thinking differently: Leading your team and brand in a crisis”